1099-NEC Tax Forms, Self-Mailer, 3-Up Horizontal Copy B & 2

Sku: NE5113


Make your own self-mailer! Small glue capsules around the edges of these 1099-NEC tax forms burst when run through a sealing machine to create a self-mailer.


Product Details
  • Size: 8 1/2" x 11"
  • Use to report miscellaneous payments such as rents, royalties, medical and health payments and non-employee compensation
  • Generally to report amounts of $600 or more (all amounts of $10 or more in some cases)
  • Three filings per sheet
  • Quality 28# white ledger bond paper
  • Comes in cartons of 500
  • Compatible with laser or inkjet printers
  • Paper Filing Due Dates: To recipient by January 31st; to IRS by February 28th
  • Min. Order: 500 forms (168 sheets yielding 504 forms to be exact)
  • B
  • 2
Use 1099-NEC
Form Layout 3-up
Filings Per Page Multiple
Turnaround Time:
Product #Turnaround
NE5113 2 business day(s)