Door hangers are a great advertising tool! Get an instant online quote for your 1 or 2 color door hangers based on your own design.
These door hangers are not ideal for prolonged outside use because they are not laminated but can be a perfect tool for sunny days or protected areas, like condos or anywhere with inside access, like office buildings. Another perfect use: for hotel and motel guests. They can be used by contractors to adevrtise their services but keep in mind not to keep them in the rain too long.
Note: These door hangers do not allow the ink to touch the doorknob hole; a small white space will be necessary.
These door hangers require you to either provide camera-ready artwork or a detailed sketch of what you need (a word or excel file will do). We offer free graphic design on our door hangers so don't be afraid to get help!
Remember, we offer free graphic design on our door hangers and up to 2 complimentary PDF proofs. And, we offer a 100% guarantee!
Proof: 1 business days
Printing: 1 business days after proof approval